Textilauslässe sind ein universelles Instrument für die Luftverteilung in Räumen. Sie decken den gesamten Bereich der in der Praxis verwendeten Luftströmungsbereiche ab. Textilkanäle transportieren die Luft zum Ziel, ohne dabei Luft zu verlieren. Wir benutzen speziell entwickelte langlebige Gewebe.

Textilauslässe erlauben eine kundenspezifischen Luftverteilung. Sie sind waschbar und einfach zu installieren. Sie können speziell gewünschte Farben oder Motive haben. Sie haben ein geringes Gewicht und eine lange Lebenszeit.

Air Tailor Software
Wir haben unsere eigene Air Tailor-Software entwickelt, mit der Bestellungen präzise und bis ins kleinste Detail spezifiziert werden können. Die Ergebnisse werden grafisch als räumliche Projektion dargestellt.
Cheese storage, The Netherlands
Diffusers with carefully designed air distribution installed in cheese storages are very important factor in a maturation process. Too high air velocity would speed up drying of cheese
and cause unwanted loss of its weight and volume. Small textile nozzles with 40 mm diameter distribute air on the floor between racks with desired 1 m/s air velocity.
and cause unwanted loss of its weight and volume. Small textile nozzles with 40 mm diameter distribute air on the floor between racks with desired 1 m/s air velocity.
MaMa Kelly, the Netherlands
This new restaurant located under the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam is very well placed in Tripadvisor´s restaurant ranking. There are many reasons to stop by. Their main dishes
are based on lobster and chicken, and almost everything in that restaurant have a pink coloration. Thanks to Prihoda Art we were able to produce diffusers with their desired custom shade RAL3015 and the result is really unique!
are based on lobster and chicken, and almost everything in that restaurant have a pink coloration. Thanks to Prihoda Art we were able to produce diffusers with their desired custom shade RAL3015 and the result is really unique!
Kalya Exports, Nashik, India
With a combination of microperforation and perforation at 135° and 225°, we were able to maintain a uniform temperature throughout the whole packing area, which is important for the quality of the grapes, while simultaneously keeping the air velocities at a level comfortable for workers.
Masjid Miri, Miri (Sarawak), Malaysia
Installation in the Masjid Miri Mosque, located in the Malaysian part of Borneo. When using complex patterns, such as this, it is important that each 5m section has a perfect graphic match, so in some cases we make certain sections a few cm shorter or longer. Add to this the unique technology for coloring the fabrics, the diffusers’ precise production and flawless assembly, then the result is well worth it! High-quality photos close the circle allowing us to show our joint project to the whole world.
Cheese storage, The Netherlands
Diffusers with carefully designed air distribution installed in cheese storages are very important factor in a maturation process. Too high air velocity would speed up drying of cheese
and cause unwanted loss of its weight and volume. Small textile nozzles with 40 mm diameter distribute air on the floor between racks with desired 1 m/s air velocity.
and cause unwanted loss of its weight and volume. Small textile nozzles with 40 mm diameter distribute air on the floor between racks with desired 1 m/s air velocity.
MaMa Kelly, the Netherlands
This new restaurant located under the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam is very well placed in Tripadvisor´s restaurant ranking. There are many reasons to stop by. Their main dishes
are based on lobster and chicken, and almost everything in that restaurant have a pink coloration. Thanks to Prihoda Art we were able to produce diffusers with their desired custom shade RAL3015 and the result is really unique!
are based on lobster and chicken, and almost everything in that restaurant have a pink coloration. Thanks to Prihoda Art we were able to produce diffusers with their desired custom shade RAL3015 and the result is really unique!
Kalya Exports, Nashik, India
With a combination of microperforation and perforation at 135° and 225°, we were able to maintain a uniform temperature throughout the whole packing area, which is important for the quality of the grapes, while simultaneously keeping the air velocities at a level comfortable for workers.
Masjid Miri, Miri (Sarawak), Malaysia
Installation in the Masjid Miri Mosque, located in the Malaysian part of Borneo. When using complex patterns, such as this, it is important that each 5m section has a perfect graphic match, so in some cases we make certain sections a few cm shorter or longer. Add to this the unique technology for coloring the fabrics, the diffusers’ precise production and flawless assembly, then the result is well worth it! High-quality photos close the circle allowing us to show our joint project to the whole world.
Cheese storage, The Netherlands
Diffusers with carefully designed air distribution installed in cheese storages are very important factor in a maturation process. Too high air velocity would speed up drying of cheese
and cause unwanted loss of its weight and volume. Small textile nozzles with 40 mm diameter distribute air on the floor between racks with desired 1 m/s air velocity.
and cause unwanted loss of its weight and volume. Small textile nozzles with 40 mm diameter distribute air on the floor between racks with desired 1 m/s air velocity.
Über uns
PRIHODA s.r.o.
Gehört zu den weltweit führenden und größten Herstellern für Textile Luftleitungs- und Verteilsysteme in der Welt. Das 1994 gegründete Unternehmen befindet sich noch immer im Besitz seines Gründers Zdeněk Příhoda und wird von diesem geführt. Das Unternehmen hat im Laufe der Jahre seines Bestehens eine bedeutende Entwicklung durchlaufen, ebenso wie die Produkte, die hergestellt werden.
Prihoda Journal
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