

Circa Dos, Cebu City, Philippines

Circa Dos located on Cebu Island depicts the unaltered image of the Cebuano heritage. This location offers multiple options for birthdays, wedding receptions, business meetings and regular get-togethers. Since Circa Dos is an open event location, the placing of aircons is not practical. The surroundings are supplied by fresh air but the middle part is too hot. They used to place large industrial fans on the side to blow in air from the surroundings but with the down side of destroying the guests’ attire and newly styled hair. A Diverse Affari technician, with the help of a Prihoda technical team, designed air distribution through small fabric nozzles to distribute enough air into the middle section of the site while maintaining a comfortable air velocity so guests can enjoy fresh air, but their hair remains unruffled.

11.544 m3/h
of air passes through our diffusers
25 m
of diffusers have been installed
200 Pa
pressure is harbored in our diffusers
Total airflow: 11.544 m3/h
Pressure: 200 Pa
Diameter: S800, H700
Length: 25 m
Material: NMS WH