설치 유형(옵션)
우리는 모든 상황에 맞는 솔루션을 제공합니다. 모든 제품은 최신 테스트 시설에서 당사의 고도로 숙련된 개발팀에 의해 테스트됩니다. 모든 작업은 맞춤 제작되며, 여기에 언급되지 않은 다른 장비에 대한 모든 요구 사항도 기꺼이 충족해 드리겠습니다.
Installation of a round diffuser on a wire, with hooks, single suspension (other equipment: D, F, K, M)
Installation of a round diffuser on a wire, with hooks, double suspension (other equipment D, F, K, M)
Installation of a round diffuser in the profile fastened directly to the ceiling or using a Velcro (other equipment A, B, C, G, J, H, L)
Installation of a round diffuser in the profile fastened directly to the ceiling, double suspension (other equipment: B, C, G)
Installation of a round diffuser on suspended profiles, single suspension (other equipment: A, B, C, G, I, D, E, F, K, L, M)
Installation of a round diffuser on suspended profiles, double suspension or suspension on an arc hinge (other equipment: A, B, C, G, I, D, E, F, K, L, M, N)
Stretcher in a blind flange – can be added to any other installation (other equipment: D, F, H)
Installation of a semi-circular diffuser in a profile fastened directly to the ceiling or using a Velcro (other equipment: A – always triangular cross section, B, C, G, L, H, J)
Installation of a semi-circular diffuser on suspended profiles, double suspension, crossbars (other equipment: A, D, E, F, K, L, M)
Installation of a square diffuser directly to the ceiling (other equipment: A, L)
Installation of a suspended square diffuser (other equipment: A, E, K, L, M)