Tạp chí Prihoda


2018 meeting of representatives, Prague, Czechia

More than 70 people from 37 countries attended the global meeting of representatives in Prague. During the two-day meeting, we saw many high-quality presentations, some of them enhanced by intelligent humor. Examples of the implemented projects and the ensuing discussion were very inspirational for all attendees.

A ride on a historical tram, sightseeing of historical monuments and an evening river cruise presented further opportunities for social interaction and experience exchanges within the entire group.

We would like to congratulate all the winners of the 6 categories announced during the gala evening. They are:

·         Prihoda Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Best Marketing Effort)

·         Xilio NV (Best Ratio Sales / Population)

·         Green Holdings MX SA DE CV (Best Sales Growth)

·         Xilio NV (Bronze Distributor)

·         Prihoda North America (Silver Distributor)

·         AirQuell GmbH (Golden Distributor)

 Thank you for the excellent time we had in Prague and we are looking forward to seeing you again.

VIDEO from the entire event can be found  HERE


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